HELIX Patch Collection Volume 12204 CrunchThis patch is a fairly saturated British tone with lots of definition. It is quite a “middy” sounding patch but has been eqd to sound great when cranked up through a PA system. The patch also has Stereo Reverb applied. This can be switched in or out as required.Plexi CrunchThis patch is also slightly saturated but is not harsh. The distortion is “tight and focussed”. Stereo Delay and Reverb have also been added.Rectifier CrunchEven though this amp is capable of massive amounts of gain, this patch has been created with the gain set to be more “crunchy” thanfully saturated. There is still more than enough for soloing etc.The patch also has Stereo Delay and Reverb added.Whowatt Fat StratThis patch is loud, clean and fat. The standard patch does not break up when played hard but if more drive is required, turn up thedrive on the amp settings.Stereo Delay, Reverb and Stereo Chorusing is included in the patch.Blackface CleanThis patch is a pleasant sounding clean tone. A “Teemah” pedal has been added in front of the amp to get a bit of dirt if needed.The patch has a Stereo Reverb added.JC CleanThis patch is a clean, warm tone with a lush Stereo Chorus and Delay added.SVT BassThis Bass patch is the tone that has been created with recording in mind. The patch has been eqd to help the bass fit into a mixwithout interfering with the other “low” instruments.
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