Kemper Profile Pack Volume 1
Now Available
(Please note, downloads need to be completed within 60
minutes of purchasing)
This Profile Pack features profiles from the Marshall JCM2000 TSL amplifier in conjunction
with a few of Peter’s favourite distortion and overdrive pedals.
Kemper Profile Pack Volume 1
JCM2000 Clean
This profile was captured using the clean channel of the JCM2000 TSL with the standard Celestion Wolverine speaker. The cab
was miced with an SM57. Two other profiles were also captured with this channel but the speakers were the two different speakers
in the TSL extension cabinet, namely the Heritage and the Celestion G12 Vintage.
JCM2000 Crunch
This profile consists of the JCM2000 TSL Crunch Channel with the standard speakers.
JCM2000 Solo
This profile was created with the solo channel of the JCM2000 TSL. The standard speaker was used.
JCM2000 and Marshall Drivemaster
JCM2000 and MI Audio Crunch Box
JCM2000 and MI Audio Blues Pro
JCM2000 and MI Audio Megalith Delta
The profile used the clean channel of the JCM2000 TSL and a vintage Marshall Drivemaster pedal was plugged in. The standard
speakers were miced with an SM57.
The MI Audio Crunch Box was plugged into the clean channel of the amp and three profiles were created using the three different
speakers. An SM57 was used to mic up the cabs.
The MI Audio Blues Pro was plugged into the clean channel of the amp and three profiles were created using the three different
speakers. An SM57 was used to mic up the cabs.
The MI Audio Megalith Delta was plugged into the clean channel of the amp and two profiles were created using the standard
speaker and the Heritage speaker. An SM57 was used to mic up the cabs.
Free profile from the Profile Pack
The vintage Marshall Drivemaster plugged into
the clean channel of the JCM2000 TSL602.